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What is a Cryoskin Treatment?

Latest Technology for Slimming, Toning and Skin Rejuvenation

what is cryoskin treatment

Cryoskin is a non-invasive treatment that focuses mainly on cellulite reduction for slimming and toning by utilizing hot and cold temperatures.  It can also treat fine lines, wrinkles, and large pores by stimulating collagen production.

The procedure takes about 20 to 30 minutes.  It involves the use of a sophisticated machine that is managed by a computerized system to ensure a rapid cooling process while preventing the risk of damaging surrounding skin tissue.  This cooling process can trigger collagen production and the self-destruction of fat cells known as apoptosis.

Benefits of Cryoskin Treatments

There are 3 types of cryoskin treatment.  They are CryoFacial, CryoSlimming, and CryoToning.  The major benefits include skin rejuvenation, slimming, and toning.

CryoFacial (Skin Rejuvenation)

what is cryoskin treatmentThis non-invasive treatment is very effective for skin lifting and firming.  Since a cryoskin machine can alternate between skin warming and cooling, this particular process promotes collagen production due to an increase in microcirculation and oxygen to the dermis.  The newly formed collagen improves skin elasticity and diminishes fine lines, wrinkles ,and pore size, thereby leading to skin rejuvenation with smoother and tighter skin.

CryoSlimming (Slimming)

what is cryoskin treatmentCryoSlimming is a non-invasive treatment for fat reduction via sub-zero temperatures, and it is absolutely painless.  Slimming occurs via a process called apoptosis.  This process is triggered by the rapid cooling of localized fat cells in the hypodermis skin layer.  As a result, this leads to cell death.  The dead fat cells are then flushed out through the lymphatic system, thus resulting in a leaner area.  CryoSlimming is ideal for targeting love handles, the abdomen, thighs, and double chin.

CryoToning (Toning)

what is cryoskin treatmentCryoToning is perfect for addressing loose skin and the signs of aging.  Toning occurs as a result of thermal shock, which is a process of rapid skin warming and cooling.  Thermal shock increases oxygenated blood flow to the dermal layer of the skin, thereby boosting collagen and elastin production.  This in turn helps to smooth, tone, and tighten the skin with an overall improvement in texture.

Is Cryoskin Safe?

For most people, cryoskin is generally a safe procedure to slim and tone the face and body.  Some people reported temporary changes in skin color for few hours immediately after treatment.  However, the treatment is not recommended for people with Raynaud’s syndrome, diabetes, circulation issues, cancer, allergies to colds and pregnant women.

Are There Side Effects?

There are no major side effects associated with cryoskin treatment.  However, some people reported experiencing mild redness or irritation on the treated areas, but they gradually subsided after several hours.  You may also urinate a bit more since your body eliminates dead fat cells via urine.

Is Cryoskin Painful?

Cryoskin treatment is absolutely painless, and many people find it relaxing.  However, you do experience a localized cold sensation in the treatment area.  If the sensation becomes too cold, your aesthetician will shift to a different area until you are ready to continue.  Also, a special gel is applied to your skin, thus protecting it from extremely low temperatures.

How Often Do You Get Cryoskin Treatment?

Generally, one treatment every 2 to 3 weeks is more than enough for CryoSlimming.  Since your body is responsible for processing the dead fat cells during cryoskin treatment, it is best not to overwork your body in order to avoid negative effects such as fatigue.  For CryoFacial and CryoToning, it is fine to have a new session every week.

How Quickly Will I See Results?

Since everybody is different, results vary from person to person.  Multiple sessions will likely produce better results.  Most people will generally see results after the first session.  However, the best results from each session will appear 2 to 3 weeks after your procedure, when your body has completely flushed out the dead fat cells.

How Long Do Those Results Last?

Depending on the individual’s lifestyle, health, and diet, results generally last at least several months.  2 to 3 treatments every 6 months is highly recommended to maintain results.


Cryoskin treatments can definitely make you feel younger and slimmer.  However, your results depend on your expectations and the skill of your aesthetician.  Therefore, it is best to seek out a licensed cryoskin professional.