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What is IV Nutrition Therapy?

Optimal Rejuvenation with Potent Nutrients 

What is IV Nutrition Therapy

In today’s world, we all want to look good. Many people are turning to traditional cosmetic treatments involving injections to improve their appearances, such as botox, fillers, kybella, platelet-rich plasma, and mesotherapy. If you’re looking for the latest and the greatest procedure to enhance your skin from the inside out, IV nutrition therapy is the way to go.

Originally, IV therapy was commonly used to replenish dehydrated patients’ fluids, administer medication, and relieve hangovers. Many med spas now provide IV therapy to improve skin health by delivering potent antioxidants, reducing inflammation, and eliminating harmful toxins while providing immediate hydration. Because the source of many skin problems stems from within your body, IV therapy can greatly benefit you from the inside out.

The procedure takes about an hour and includes the use of an IV bag containing liquified nutrients. These nutrients differ from person to person depending on the skin problem. Typical nutrients for skin treatment include vitamin b-complex, biotin, vitamin b12, vitamin c, CoQ10, electrolytes, zinc, glutathione, and magnesium chloride. They have the capability to improve skin health while lowering inflammation and getting rid of toxins that lead to eczema, acne, and premature aging.

The nutrients are then delivered to your body through a plastic tube attached to a vein in your arm. When the injection is finished, your healthcare provider will remove the cannula from your vein. A bandage will then be applied to the injection site. After that, you’re ready to go home. Most patients will start to become hydrated right away. However, 24 hours are required for the nutrients to work in your body.

Typical Ingredients.
Below are the four most commonly used ingredients for IV nutrition therapy.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is well known for its ability to stimulate collagen production. Collagen is required to support skin structure, making it firm, elastic and free of wrinkles. If large amounts of vitamin C were injected into your body, you could expect your skin to look younger and have a natural glow.

Biotin is well-known for improving the health of your skin, nails, hair, and eyes.

Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that can help prevent the formation of free radicals, which can damage cells and speed up the aging process. Coenzyme Q10 levels in the body decline as we age, and IV therapy can restore them, preventing further damage to skin cells.

Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that protects your body from free radicals, which can damage cells and accelerate aging. It is necessary for the development and repair of skin tissues. IV therapy with glutathione can significantly improve the appearance of your skin.

Recovery Time for IV Nutrition Infusion Therapy

There is virtually no downtime with this particular procedure. Most patients can resume their regular activities immediately following a procedure.

Typical Results

The majority of patients notice the effects rather quickly. Below are some of the common results you may experience.

  • A Boost of energy
  • Stress relief
  • Mood improvement
  • Glowing skin
  • Hydrated skin
  • Increased athletic recovery
  • An improvement in various health or cosmetic conditions
  • Assist in boosting your immune system

Who Should Consider IV Infusion Therapy?

Your skin reflects your overall health. Chronic skin problems such as irritations or breakouts will develop if your body is not functioning properly from within or is in poor health. This particular treatment is ideal for patients who want to prevent and repair skin problems by optimizing their bodies.

What are the Risks of IV Nutrition Therapy?

All cosmetic treatments have risks, and IV therapy is no different. As a result, it’s crucial that you get your treatment from a qualified professional who adheres to all safety precautions. The following are some risks associated with IV therapy.

1)  Various vitamins can cause headaches when they are present in high concentrations in the body. In rare cases, death can occur.

2)  Inadequate sanitary preparation of an IV bag with nutrients can introduce bacteria into the mixture, resulting in serious infection.

3)  Patients with kidney or heart conditions should avoid IV therapy because their impaired organs may not be able to adequately metabolize the high levels of vitamins present in the body.

4)  A high electrolyte concentration can cause a heart attack.

5)  In some patients, a high concentration of vitamin C can cause kidney stones and renal failure.

6)  Contraindications for various health conditions can be influenced by a highly concentrated mixture of nutrients.

7)  IV therapy can put your kidneys under undue strain.

IV Nutrition Therapy Side Effects

Side effects can occur with any treatment. As a result, it is critical that you disclose your medical history and current medications to your treatment provider before enrolling in a treatment. Below are some of the possible side effects:

  • Rashes
  • Infection at the injection site
  • Blood clots
  • Air embolism
  • Allergic reaction
  • Vein inflammation
  • Vein bruising
  • Headaches

How Often Should I Get IV Therapy?

Since each patient’s needs are unique, there is really no set timeframe for IV therapy. One patient might receive one therapy every two to three weeks, whereas another would receive one treatment per month. It is advisable to talk with your healthcare provider if you wish to enroll in more than one session.

Is IV Therapy Safe?

Every treatment has risks. IV therapy is generally considered safe if performed only with sterile needles in a clean and safe environment. However, because this procedure injects nutrients directly into the bloodstream, you actually circumvent your body’s built-in filters against harmful substances. Therefore, IV therapy should be performed with caution by an experienced health care provider.


I  hope this answer everything on what is IV nutrition therapy. If you have more questions, please feel free to contact us at anytime.