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Kybella Treatment in San Jose

What is Kybella Treatment?

Enhances Chin Profile with Deoxycholic Acid

What is Kybella treatment

Kybella is an injectable treatment that destroys fat cells under the chin area, and it is approved by the FDA in 2015. It is frequently performed to improve a person’s appearance by enhancing the chin profile. You should look into this particular treatment if you are self-conscious about the way your chin looks. 

How Does Kybella Work?

Your body uses its fat cells to store fat. The quantity of fat cells in your body is fixed after your mid-20s, and it varies from person to person. When you gain weight, your fat cells store more nutrients and expand. On the contrary, they contract when you start to lose weight.

Deoxycholic acid, an active ingredient in Kybella, is in charge of the breakdown and absorption of fat cells. When injected under the chin, it quickly kills fat cells, which reduces chin plumpness. The dissolved fat cells will be flushed out as waste through the body’s lymphatic system over several weeks. Once they are gone, there will be no more fat buildup. Your results will therefore be long-lasting.

How to Prepare for Kybella?

It is essential to tell your treatment provider about your medical history and previous cosmetic treatments. Additionally, please let your doctor know right away if you are pregnant, have bleeding or swallowing issues. This will help them decide if Kybella is the right treatment for you.  It is best to avoid talking aspirin or ibuprofen for a week prior to the treatment in order to avoid bruising. Since kybella is not a surgical procedure, you don’t need to do anything except cleaning your face and neck on the day of your treatment. This will help to reduce the risk of infection.

How Long is a Treatment Session?

Since this is a treatment via injections, it is quite simple and quick. Complicated preparations are not necessary. As a result, the average treatment time is approximately 30 minutes. Typically, 10 to 30 injections are given per session. Some patients can even resume work the same day as their procedure. Visible results can be seen after 2 treatments.

What are the Kybella Treatment Areas?

Kybella is currently the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for fat cell destruction under the chin. It is not officially approved for the treatment of other parts of your body. However, some clinics also use injections for smaller areas, such as the armpits, the underside of your buttocks, and the areas surrounding your face, as well as around your knee caps.

How Long Does Kybella Last for?

Effects from kybella treatment are typically long-lasting. Once patients get their desired results, additional treatments are no longer necessary. Future fat buildups will be drastically reduced once fat cells are destroyed. However, to ensure long-lasting effects, a healthy diet and lifestyle are recommended.

What are the Side Effects of Kybella?

First and foremost, it is strongly advised that you fully disclose your medications and medical history to your treatment provider in order to prevent undesirable consequences.

Mild side effects are common, however they typically go away after a few days. Redness, bruising, swelling, soreness, and numbness at the injection sites are the most typical adverse reactions.

Severe side effects such as nerve injury, tissue death, swallowing difficulties, and ulcers, are quite rare when the procedure is carried out by a trained medical professional. These side effects are generally caused by improper injections done by a novice.

How Long is Kybella Recovery Time?

In contrast to surgical procedures, Kybella is a minimally invasive treatment, and the majority of patients can resume their normal activities immediately following their injections. Mild swelling can occur, but it will subside after a few days. To minimize swelling, most experts recommend taking Tylenol and drink plenty of fluids. If possible, avoid rigorous exercise and sun exposure for a week.

What is the Best Age to Get Kybella?

At the moment, kybella treatment has no age restriction. However, an ideal candidate should be at least 18 year old. A signed consent is required for anyone under the age of 18.

How Much Does Kybella Cost?

The price of Kybella primarily depends on how many injections and therapy sessions are required to achieve the desired results. More injectable vials will be needed for a bigger treatment area. Depending on how well your body responds to deoxycholic acid, you may require multiple therapy sessions. As a result, everyone is different. Spending between $1000 and $5,000 per treatment is not uncommon.

Is Kybella a Permanent Fix?

Generally, kybella results are permanent because the fat that was previously removed will never return. However, new fat can accumulate as a result of poor diet and lifestyle choices. To maintain results, it is best to eat a healthy diet and maintain a good exercise program. If necessary, you can always schedule maintenance treatments. However, you won’t need them for another 2 to 3 years.

Do I need More than One Kybella Treatment?

Most patients will need more than 1 treatment. The number of treatments is based on how much fat has accumulated under your chin and around your jawline. A typical person will need at least two treatments and will pay a total of $2000 to $4000, depending on the clinic.

Whats the Alternative Treatment for Kybella?

Another treatment for Kybella is liposuction. It uses a surgical suction machine to extract fat cells and requires the use of anesthetic injection. Because liposuction is a surgical procedure, there are risks associated with it, such as infections, nerve damage, and scarring.  Liposuction requires only one treatment, whereas Kybella requires two to six.  A recovery time of at least 1 week is not uncommon for liposuction.  On the other hand, most patients can resume their normal activities immediately following a Kybella procedure.


I hope this answer all your questions relating to what is kybella treatment. If you need to contact us, you are welcome to do so.