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What is PRP treatment?

Rejuvenates Skin with Platelet Rich Plasma

What is PRP treatment

PRP treatment is also known as platelet-rich plasma treatment. It is a non-surgical procedure that involves the use of your own blood. It was first used in the 1990s to aid soft tissue recovery following plastic surgery. It is quite popular among people who wishes to rejuvenate their appearances with healthy and vibrant skin. If you have premature wrinkles, uneven-toned skin, and sun damage, then you should look into this unique cosmetic treatment.

Platelets, plasma, red and white blood cells make up your blood. The main function of platelets is to form a blood clot to stop bleeding and release growth factors to promote healing, as well as stimulating collagen production.

Platelets and growth factors are more concentrated in platelet-rich plasma than in normal blood. As a result, the healing process can be accelerated significantly.

During the treatment, a small amount of blood is drawn from your vein. A centrifuge is then used to extract the platelet-rich plasma from the blood. It is then injected into the treatment area to promote collagen production, tissue growth, and regeneration. As a result, the skin becomes tighter, firmer, and more youthful. Since platelet-rich plasma is obtained from your own blood, there is a low risk of side effects.

The cosmetic benefits of PRP treatment are as follows:

  • Boost collagen production
  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Tighter and firmer skin
  • Improve skin texture
  • Reduce deep creases
  • Reduce pore size
  • Smooth acne or surgical scars
  • Treat hair loss

What are the Side Effects of PRP for Face?

Platelet-rich plasma treatment for facial rejuvenation has very little risk of side effects because injectable substances are extracted from your own body. However, mild redness, swelling, local pain, and bruising may occur, but they usually go away after a week.

The first serious risk stems from the mishandling of your blood. The blood extracted from your body should be sterilized. Otherwise, you risk contracting an infection. This can happen if your procedure is carried out by an irresponsible treatment provider.

The most serious risk is receiving someone else’s blood by mistake. As a result, you may become extremely ill. Therefore, it is best to find a reputable clinic that follows a similar protocol as transfusion centers.

How Long after PRP Do You See Results?

The success of this particular procedure is heavily dependant on the quality of your platelets and plasma, patients should stay hydrated, eat a healthy diet, and refrain from drinking or smoking for several days before treatment.

Because PRP treatment stimulates your body to produce new collagen, the process is slow, with maximum collagen regeneration taking about 12 weeks.

However, most patients notice an improvement in the texture of their skin within 4 weeks following a procedure. Furthermore, multiple treatments are required to reap full benefits, and most clinics recommend a minimum of two to three treatments.

How Long do PRP Results Last?

Results vary from one individual to another. They can typically last up to 12 months.

How Many PRP Treatments Do You Need?

There is no definitive answer. The number of treatments is determined primarily by the severity of your skin condition. Most clinics recommend a minimum of three treatments in order to see satisfactory results. Furthermore, you should avoid having more than one treatment per month.

Who Should Avoid PRP Treatment?

PRP treatment is quite safe for normal people. People with the following conditions, on the other hand, should avoid this procedure or consult with their doctors before beginning treatment.

  • Skin cancer in the treated area
  • Blood cancer
  • Blood diseases
  • Bleeding disorder
  • Blood clotting disorder
  • Hepatitis C
  • HIV positive
  • AIDS

PRP Treatment Cost

There is really no fixed price for PRP treatment.  The cost for this particular treatment varies from one clinic to another.  It also depends on the location, skin condition, treatment area, as well as the healthcare provider’s experience. Since this is a cosmetic procedure, it should be less expensive than a surgical treatment.  Typically, you can expect to pay between $200 and $1500 per session.

PRP Treatment for Hair Loss

Although the majority of patients receive PRP treatments for facial rejuvenation, hair loss restoration is also becoming increasingly popular.  Many people believe that the growth factors in PRP can help stimulate hair growth in hair follicles.  Although the treatment is still in its early stages, it has shown promising results in terms of increasing hair thickness, hair count, and the growth phase of the hair cycle.


I hope this answer all your questions relating to what is PRP facial treatment. If you need to contact us, you are welcome to do so.